Selected Publications:
"The Real Effects of Corruption on M&A Flows: Evidence from China's Anti-corruption Campaign" with Chenghao Huang, Zhi Jin, and Eliza Wu at Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 150, 2023, 106815.
Business School Case Studies:
“Jiuzhaigou Hydropower Development Co. Ltd.: A Green Footprint in Electrical Energy Exploitation” with Wenjun Xiong, Yanjin Zhu, Dan Ma, and Yuanyuan Qian, at Ivey Publishing, Product No. W31854.
Working Papers:
“Politically Connected Independent Directors and Corporate Litigation Risk” with Chenghao Huang and Xingchen Zhu
Presented at CICF, AFA Ph.D. Poster Session, FMA, FMA Europe, AsianFA, IFABS, International Young Finance Conference, UIBE (Finance), SWUFE (Law), Welsh Quarterly Finance Seminar, Sussex
“The Spillover Effects of Hostile Takeovers: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” with Xingchen Zhu
Presented at Baruch-SWUFE Research Symposium, Washington (Foster), Wyoming, Bayes Business School
“Global Board Reform and Accounting Conservatism” with Chenghao Huang, Yang Liu, and Yujie Zhu
Presented at AIB conference (Seoul, scheduled), AIB-UKI conference
“Carbon Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Green Policies” with Chuyuan Liu, Valyeria Vitkova, and Xingchen Zhu
Presented at the Paris Financial Management Conference, China Accounting and Finance Conference, EFMA (scheduled)
“New Venture Financing and Machine Predictions” with Jinxing Hao and Xingchen Zhu
Presented at Ningbo Blockchain Research Lab
“Mere Words Matter: Labelling Effects in the Financial Market” with Shenghao Gao, Jenny Guan, and Xinyu Li
“Stock Repurchase and Stock Price Crash Risk” with Chenghao Huang
“Natural Disaster Experience and the Cost of Raising Capital: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings” with Shenghao Gao, Jenny Guan, and Qi Zhang
“The Heart Wants What It Wants: Local Bias and Seasoned Equity Offerings Bidding” with Jinxing Hao, Qian Sun, and Qi Zhang
All ABS 3* Publications:
“Allocative Efficiency of Internal Capital Markets: Evidence from Equity Carve-outs by Diversified Firms” with Sudi Sudarsanam and Valeriya Vitkova at International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 86, 2023, 102500.
“Cross-border Buyout Exit Success” at International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2024, forthcoming.
Working-in Progress:
“The Environmental Externalities of Subway Expansion”
“The Anatomy of Inventor Mobility”
“The State Controlling Shareholder Interests and Corporate Environmental Policies”